Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Uphill Battle

Please treat this with discretion and wisdom. These kinds of things sometimes spin out into gossip and rumor mills. Thank you.

Here's what is going on in order to facilitate good prayer for the situation:
About 18 months ago, maybe more, a young girl I know began hearing voices and seeing terrible visions. I will not give you details because I fear that could drag you into the battle possibly unwillingly. We didn't know about it until the problem led to physical consequences, i.e. Cutting. Cutting is the only way to make the voices stop. She was also convinced that there was some kind of mind-control plot and she was somehow unaffected and tried to warn her mother and her doctor. She was then diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Her treatment helped with the paranoia, but not the voices and visions. When you have a known diagnosis, and a known treatment that doesn't work, it is usually time to evaluate physical causes like brain damage, or if you know about the Great Spiritual Battle for the mind, you should also add demonic forces to the suspect list. It is clearly NOT a demonic possession, but I am absolutely convinced that this girl has been targeted for severe demonic harassment.

To summarize, this problem has her under observation and heavy medication in the hospital. She does have, I believe, Paranoid Schizophrenia AND unrelenting demon harassment. She has lost all hope and simply does not want to live another day. She doesn't have any hope for the future and the voices will not stop tormenting her night and day.

In the last week or so, my mind has been pelted several times a day every day with a specific Bible Scripture. This pelting is coming simultaneously with information I'm getting about the girl and corroborates information I am getting from Christian counselors. It plays in my mind like a broken record, "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.", "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.", "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."...

So for the next 7 days, I will be answering the call. (This is Matthew 17:14-21 by the way) I am also asking for a platoon of spiritual warriors to help me with this very specifically assigned mission through prayer (I'll do the fasting ;-))

Please pray for the young girl. This problem has her under observation and heavy medication in the hospital. She does have, I believe, Paranoid Schizophrenia AND unrelenting demon harassment. She has lost all hope and simply does not want to live another day. She doesn't have any hope for the future and the voices will not stop tormenting her night and day. Please pray that the voices will be forever silenced, the visions will be destroyed with the memories thereof, that she will be filled with hope and promise of a deeply fulfilling life ahead of her, and if God is willing that even the Schizophrenia will be completely healed.

The Lord bless and keep you; may His face shine upon you; and be gracious; and give you peace.

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